Serving Families in Chattanooga and Surrounding Areas

(423) 664-0903

School District Consultaiton

Many people feel that students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related disabilities can only receive appropriate and high quality intervention when private or non-public agencies provide direct service. We believe that students with ASD and related disabilities can receive high quality and effective instruction in the public schools and that existing staff can be very successful teaching these students. We want to assist the public school staff learning and developing skills that will allow them to be extremely effective teachers for students on the Autism Spectrum so that students may be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) possible.

As the number of students identified with Autism continues to climb, there is a great need to prepare for their educational needs to build the capacity within the public education to meet the needs of these students. Teacher training alone is not enough. A supportive infrastructure must also be established that will allow trained professional to implement the best practices. We want to assist administrators and special education teams in developing a supportive yet cost effective infrastructure so that best practices can be implemented in public school settings.

Have A Question? Ready To Get Started?

To schedule your initial consultation or to learn more about our ABA services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you and your loved ones.