Serving Families in Chattanooga and Surrounding Areas

(423) 664-0903

1:1 Therapy Services

At Autism and Behavior Services, we are dedicated to providing evidence-based programs for the improvement of language and communication skills in individuals with autism and related disabilities. Our approach is grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which is the science of understanding and improving human behavior. ABA focuses on objectively defining observable behaviors of social significance and has been widely used in the teaching of communication to children with autism.

We understand that every individual is unique and therefore, our programs are individualized to meet the specific needs of each individual. We assess each individual’s current skills and design a program that targets specific areas of improvement. We use a system of prompting and reinforcement to teach skills, and as the individual progresses, the prompts are gradually faded until the individual can perform the skill independently. We collect data to monitor progress and make adjustments to the program as needed.

All programs at Autism and Behavior Services are developed and monitored by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) to ensure the highest level of quality and evidence-based practice. Our goal is to provide effective and individualized instruction that will empower individuals with autism to communicate effectively and reach their full potential